Hi Ed,

try it out this way:
Check if pump is installed - if not - install it.
Check it with: rpm -q pump
If this command doesn't return a thing - issue: urpmi pump
Make sure there is not another dhcp programm running:
ps auxwww | grep dhcp
If there is one - check which one that is, stop this program - and remove the 
package. If you know where the binary is - a: rpm -qf /sbin/dhcpd
b.e. will tell yo the package name, a rpm -e <package-name> will remove it.

Once installed - make sure you have the Network_Device pump should run on 
configured as follows:
~smurphy# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2

_make_ _sure_ that the eth device is the correct one. Unix starts counting at 
0, windows starts at 1 !!!

Once - this is done - you should be set up - issue a:
ifup eth2

and the pump (dhcp) should fire up you network.
Works here - with a Cable-Modem.

If you want some more detailed help - you need to give us more detailed 
informations on you system, the setup etc.

On Sunday 20 July 2003 04:44, Ed Guenther wrote:
> I've read about the problem with apic and noapic and
> eth0:9 and 169.254.x.y and all that jazz.  But there
> is no answer.  And I'm stuck here waiting for an
> answer.
> I still can't get Mandrake 9.1 to grab an IP from my
> cable modem's DHCPD server.  Help?


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