Just wondering how OPEN RedHat will be to changes other souls bring in...

I'll be keeping an eye on it... could be interesting to get some of
MDK's ideas into RHL.

Like separate lib packages, urpm, and version numbers with dots?

yes & perl and devel dependencies, etc.

Let's face it, RedHat is more likely to survive...

By the way, has anyone downloaded their new beta yet? What version is it?

I think that more user participation is going to be especially hard for Redhat, considering the problems they'll have disentangling distro problems from upstream problems. If a GNOME package has a bug, they can't exactly say, "not our fault, go talk to Havoc."

Very true. Considering how Mandrake is dealing with it, Mandrake has been quite open to contributors for a number of years, and is opening up more lately.

RedHat will go through the same pains... But I find it interesting to follow, from an organisation point of view.

I've discussed with my collegues about my suggestions that MDK should open up their development more (do stuff WiKi style). One of them suggested to bring in a sociologist to observe what's happening...

In effect, what is going on at MDK can be considered a social experiment :-) Let's hope the experiment will go down in history as a succes.

Interesting read: http://workingknowledge.hbs.edu/pubitem.jhtml?id=3582&t=technology



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