On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Ben Reser wrote:

> > 2. Recognizing that "wipe" is a poor name, starting with LAM/MPI 7.1,
> > we'll change the primary name of "wipe" to "lamwipe" (we'll update all
> > documentation, as well, and mention that "wipe" is formally
> > deprecated).  The name "wipe" will be a sym link pointing to the name
> > "lamwipe" so that backwards compatability will be preserved (for a
> > while).  Perhaps sometime after that, we can ditch the name "wipe".
> That would definantely help once you drop using the wipe name.

Sounds good.  I've opened a bug about this to ensure that we do it by 7.1.

> However, I think I have a better solution for now.  It would put us a
> little ahead of the you guys on renaming but should maintain backwards
> compatability.
> 3.  Rename wipe in lam-runtime to lamwipe.  Rename the wipe command
> wipe.wipe.  Use the update-alternatives process to provide the wipe
> command.  Setting lam-runtime's wipe at a higher priority so in the case
> where both packages were installed lame-runtime would own the wipe
> command.  This would avoid your concerns with lam users getting the
> secure file deletetion tool on accident.
> Unfortunately this is a Mandrake only solution for the time being, but
> would definately stop distlint from emailing me every week about the
> issue.  Does anyone see an issue with doing this?  Since the lam-runtime
> maintainer isn't replying should I just go ahead and do it?

This sounds like a good plan to me.

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} http://www.lam-mpi.org/

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