On Monday 21 July 2003 21:23, Abel Cheung wrote:
> On 2003-07-20(Sun) 06:11:22 -0700, Andi Payn wrote:
> > No, sorry; nothing to do with guile here. I meant that (just as with
> > guile), there is no package for the gtk2 port of gtkextra.
> >
> > If you have an up-to-date package, please upload it. (If you're concerned
> > that no package needs it, well, now we have one: gnubg.) Or I can package
> > it, if you don't want to bother.
> It's here:
> http://deaddog.org/Mandrake/cooker/contrib/SRPMS/gtk+extra1.1-1.1.0-0.20030
> AFAIK the GTK2 port has never been distributed, and only lives in CVS so
> far. It's in a bad shape too (I have to modify a few places so that it
> can build). But I really don't know where to upload it (don't want to
> dump that to /incoming and be ignored). If you want a newer CVS
> checkout, I can finish it shortly.

If it's nowhere near complete, and the only package that wants to use it is 
gnubg, and gnubg seems to run just fine without it, it's probably not worth 
bothering. I'll download and play with your package anyway just for the hell 
of it, but I doubt it needs to go into contribs.

Guile for 2.x might be somewhat more useful; if there are users who want to 
script gnubg, they might well want to talk to the GUI. And I could imagine it 
might be of use for people who want to develop new Gtk+2 apps using Mandrake.

On the other hand, I haven't heard anyone complain yet. And everyone who's 
contacted me about gnubg has just said, "cool, it works!"; I don't think any 
of them are interested in the possibility of scripting it. So guile-gtk2 
probably isn't all that important either. 

If someone has a working package lying around, I'd be happy to play with 
it--but I'd be more interested in getting a full libglade and g*-- 2.x setup 
so I can show off anjuta to Windows developers who are ready to switch except 
that they're hooked on MSDev....

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