I really like Jürgen's suggestion, and if there isn't such an archive
already it would be nice to make one for Linux Mandrake.

I have some spec files for other "downloadable" packages I 
could contribute.

 - David.

Jürgen Zimmermann writes:
 > Hello,
 > I wonder if there is an archive of spec-files for "downloadable"
 > software which is not distributable.
 > My example is the jdk from SUN, for which I have built such
 > a spec file, but since the downloaded tar-archives are only
 > for private use, I cannot distribute the RPM-archives, but
 > surely the spec file, so everyone can download the tars
 > and build the RPMs on their own.
 > It would help, if there was an archive to put this (an other) spec-file
 > into, wouldn't it?
 > So long,
 >   Juergen

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