On Sunday 27 July 2003 23:04, Andi Payn wrote:
> On Friday 25 July 2003 08:31, Michael Scherer wrote:
> > Some of them are named
> > foo-python, and the others are named python-bar.
> >
> > example adns-python, libxslt-python
> > vs python-xoltar, python-fam
> There are two important distinctions here that are being missed.
> First, adns-python and libxslt-python are python interfaces to the
> standalone packages adns and libxslt; python-xoltar is a standalone
> set of extensions to the python standard libraries (there is no
> "xoltar" package).

Well, even if this is named python-adns, i guess that most people can 
deduce that it is related to libadns.
The source of a package should not impact his name.

> Second, adns-python and libxslt-python come from the same tarball (or
> another tarball on the same project site) as adns and libxslt;
> python-xoltar is a project on its own.
> In other words, this is just like the difference between gimp-perl
> (the perl interface to gimp, distributed with gimp) and python-Inline
> (an extension to the perl standard libraries, distributed as Inline
> in CPAN).

No, because the gimp-perl package is something that enhance gimp.
adns-python enhance python, not libadns.

I do not see the need to make a distinction between a module which is an 
interface, and a module written in pure python, not related to a C 
library. For a user point of view, there is no différences.

So, if a package is a extension to a program, in order to add scripting 
capabilities in some language, i guess that program-language should be 

If not, if this is a module, language-module make more sense.

> The rule of thumb that perl packages seem to follow is: If the
> package's primary source is CPAN, the package is perl-Foo-Bar, where
> Foo::Bar is the CPAN name; if the primary source is the foo
> distribution,the package is foo-perl. Do we want to change this rule
> to always use the perl-Foo-Bar style of naming? Or is it better to
> just codify the existing de facto rule, and extend it to python
> (which would mean the vast majority of existing perl and python
> packages are already named correctly)?

Well, at least, we should write the rule, whatever ti will turn to be.

> Note that python doesn't have a real equivalent to CPAN (for example,
> there's no Starship entry for xoltar, or cRat, or perlmodule). This
> also means that it's harder to figure out a "canonical name" for a
> package. If the Xoltar website has a tarball called xoltar which
> includes no files named xoltar, is the resulting package
> python-Xoltar or python-xoltar? If the CRat website has a tarball
> called cRat which builds a module called crat.so, is the package
> python-CRat, python-cRat, or python-crat? (For the modules I've
> packaged, I've used the name of the tarball.)

What about to use the name of the import ?

If the name is Xoltar, the problem of how we should name it is different 
from the problem of the position of 'python' in the name.

I think that capitalized name of package are unpleasant to read, and, 
most people will use lowercase when searching so except for the 
pleasure of having the same name, this is , IMHO, useless.


Michaël Scherer

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