On Friday 25 July 2003 08:31, Michael Scherer wrote:
> Some of them are named
> foo-python, and the others are named python-bar.
> example adns-python, libxslt-python
> vs python-xoltar, python-fam

There are two important distinctions here that are being missed.

First, adns-python and libxslt-python are python interfaces to the standalone 
packages adns and libxslt; python-xoltar is a standalone set of extensions to 
the python standard libraries (there is no "xoltar" package).

Second, adns-python and libxslt-python come from the same tarball (or another 
tarball on the same project site) as adns and libxslt; python-xoltar is a 
project on its own. 

In other words, this is just like the difference between gimp-perl (the perl 
interface to gimp, distributed with gimp) and python-Inline (an extension to 
the perl standard libraries, distributed as Inline in CPAN).

The rule of thumb that perl packages seem to follow is: If the package's 
primary source is CPAN, the package is perl-Foo-Bar, where Foo::Bar is the 
CPAN name; if the primary source is the foo distribution,the package is 
foo-perl. Do we want to change this rule to always use the perl-Foo-Bar style 
of naming? Or is it better to just codify the existing de facto rule, and 
extend it to python (which would mean the vast majority of existing perl and 
python packages are already named correctly)? 

Note that python doesn't have a real equivalent to CPAN (for example, there's 
no Starship entry for xoltar, or cRat, or perlmodule). This also means that 
it's harder to figure out a "canonical name" for a package. If the Xoltar 
website has a tarball called xoltar which includes no files named xoltar, is 
the resulting package python-Xoltar or python-xoltar? If the CRat website has 
a tarball called cRat which builds a module called crat.so, is the package 
python-CRat, python-cRat, or python-crat? (For the modules I've packaged, 
I've used the name of the tarball.)

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