I did notice that with the update util, but that can be accredited to the
fact that Redhat uses a centralized controlled repository for their updates
( updates.redhat.com ) while mandrake utilizes the Mandrake/updates/<current
release number> directory on any of their FULL mirrors. So if the mirror
hasn't been updated ( by the mirror admin, or his mirroring software ) then
it won't show up yet. And someitmes you might even find updates on one
mirror, but not another for that reason.

( I think the following is correct as far as how its done, but please
correct me if I'm wrong )

Riyad Kalla
Java Programmer
Game Enthusiast

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Prigot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Mandrake's Stability

I used to use RedHat. Since I bought a boxed set, I could use their Update
program (it's been a while, so I forget the exact name). It seemed like
time they released a patch/update, it would show up in their utility. With
MandrakeUpdate, the announced security related fixes don't always show up. I
like Mandrake a lot (even though it was the only distro to completely wipe
a user's hard drive due to defective hdparm settings [6.0?, 6.1?]), but I
have quite the warm fuzzy feeling I had with RedHat.
On Fri, 02 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> Even with RedHat's more conservative approach, they've always had to
> release updates as they went along to fix bugs in the released product.
> So, to my mind, I can't quite see the point of slowing down.  I say full
> speed ahead.  There will be bugs, but that's what MandrakeUpdate is for,
> right?
> I'm with this ship as long as its the fastest ship on the sea.  I know
> bugs are inevitable no matter how slow we go, so I'm happy to tolerate a
> few, perhaps even a few more than other distributions, as long as this
> remains the fastest ship on the sea.  Don't slow down, because if I see
> a faster ship out there, and it doesn't appear to be sinking, I'll be
> happy to jump off this ship.  I've done it before, and I'll do it again
> if Mandrake doesn't stay out front.
> I don't see that as happening anytime soon though.  Keep up the good
> work, guys.  Full speed ahead...
Jonathan M. Prigot (617-278-0794)
Brigham and Women's Hospital
900 Commonwealth Avenue, East
Boston, MA 02215-1213

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