Am Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003 08:24 schrieb Austin:
> On 2003.07.30 14:05, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> > Nope kvdr is packaged. vdr is missing yet. I currently wrap my head
> > around it
> > on how vdr could work out of the box.
> My brain hurts.  I could have sworn I saw someone upload vdr a while
> ago (Thierry, Laurent?).  I remember because it had all kinds of
> patches and plugins attached to the specfile, but it's not in the CVS
> so I must be dreaming.

Maybe it was dvr ? 

> Anyway, I have a specfile for it, but like you said, it requires
> initscripts and such which I am not capable of or interested in.

Would you be so kind to send me the specfile.You told me that you will do the 
specfile, so i waited what you have done and done some work and some thoughts 
how to do it .  I really try to get it done. Would be great to have it in 
mandrake 9.2. Since the dvb-drivers will become 1.0.0 this week and will be 
in mandrake 9.2 too I guess. 


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