David Walser ha scritto:

I wonder why Kmail places its custom working files into $HOME/Mail? IMHO it's not much legal to place there as default (why it doesn't use instead $HOME/.kmail?).

Not arguing, just curious; why is $HOME/Mail not legal?

I'm not saying that $HOME/Mail is not legal, but rather IMHO is not legal to place there infos other than mailboxes (such as custom indexes) and every mail clients doing there something like that IMHO should be considered "broken". Otherwise, apart locking problems (i.e. contemporary access from server daemons and local mail clients), having there files other than standard mailboxes will also cause to have them suggested in mail clientsfor subscriptions, and this is really bad, because they are not mailboxes (one could subscribe and then discard causing disasters).

Of course $HOME/Mail and $HOME/mail are hystorical repository for mailboxes, and
for me is OK to use them, but IMHO also we should fix all the mail clients which could
be used in locale and which would put non-mailboxes information in such repository (as 
I said
independently to the fact that we decide or not to modify default imap mailsubdir). I 
was using .procmailrc rules which distributes mailing lists messages into 
mailboxes and they are working perfectly in imapd and all (remote) mail clients tried 
(but I
only tried situation where IMAPD server != machine of mail clients GUI). [Speaking of 
the only problem I found is that all the mail clients (mozilla, etc.) I've tried 
squirrelmail which has such feature) doesn't allow to scan ALL the subscribed folders
for searching new messages automatically. IMHO this (together with the possibility
to decide the fields to be shown for folders [e.g. "To" or "Recipient" or Both at the 
time]) is a big lack. Sorry for the OT.]

Another alternative I've discussed with Stew, is to use $HOME/.uwmail for default
imapd mailsubdir (note that anyway LOCAL users would have anyway the possibility
to override this with rc files).

Kmail probably should be using $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kmail/Mail though. It's more consistent with other KDE apps. Probably the only reason it doesn't is historical.

Bye. Giuseppe.

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