On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, David Walser wrote:

> Olivier Blin wrote:
> > 
> > damned, it's already here, but there's a typo, line 430 :
> > elsif (($k, $v) =
> > /^(limit-rate|excludepath|key_ids|split-(?:level|length))\s*:\s*(.*)$/)
> > {                 unless (exists($urpm->{options}{$k})) {
> >                       $v =~ /^'([^']*)'$/ and $v = $1; $v =~ /^"([^"]*)"$/ and $v =
> > $1;                   $urpm->{options}{$k} = $v;
> >                   }
> > 
> > "limit-rate" should be "limit_rate" ...
> > Otherwise it won't work :)
> Cool, then all that's left is for edit-urpm-sources.pl to let you 
> configure it.

Hmmm, same goes for key_ids .. which I must try out ... 

If these features work, the only other ones I would want is storing urpmi 
configuration in LDAP, and an LDAP-based keyserver (and certificate 
authority while we're at it) and support for required/conflicted RPMS 
configuration (of course with LDAP support). Imagine rolling out minimal 
installations, which install the software they need based on where they 
live in the LDAP tree the next time urpmi --auto-select runs!


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