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FACORAT Fabrice wrote:
> Le dim 03/08/2003 à 19:53, Dave Cotton a écrit :
>>Just to show a non negative approach, I went into MCC and enabled mdkkdm
>>and it was installed, as I had kdm set up _not_ to show icons and to use
>>the last login, I must say mdkkdm picked up this config.

Well, mdkkdm should follow all configurations in
/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc that are valid (taking into account some
features which may not make sense I guess in some mdkkdm configurations).

>>So the problem for me, from the last time I updated and allowed mdkkdm,
>>was that it defaulted to showing all the logins, a ridiculous situation
>>on a machine with a large number of users. This machine has standard
>>security level.

Is the fact that you run a machine with a large number of users in
standard security level not the ridiculous situation?

> IMHO when using NIS/LDAP/Samba auth, all dm should default too "no users
> list"

Is it not better to default to msec 4 in any network auth setup? This
gets you a few other features which may be useful (restrictions on su etc).

IMHO, a good default sudo config would also help in these situations (ie
allow member of adm group to 'sudo /sbin/service' with (without?) password.


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|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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