On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 11:12, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Joe Baker wrote:
> > This was on a Sony VAIO PCG-Z505SX
> >
> > Performing a network install (FTP)
> > USB Floppy.
> > This was next step after Add a user.
> > I chose MBR.
> > For some reason, the floppy disk spun up
> > when it went to write the MBR to the hard drive
> > then this  message appeared....
> >
> > :p part_nowrite: read:: Input/output error
> >
> > Next Clicking OK takes me back to the
> > "Where do you want to install the bootloader?" prompt.
> >
> > If I keep selecting "MBR" the same cycle repeats.
> >
> > To get out of the cycle I choose skip.
> > Then went to the Bootloader main options screen.
> >
> >>From here also, I get the same message when trying
> > to install the MBR to /dev/hda.
> > -Joe Baker
> >
> >
> >
> Would you mind telling us which version you are using ??? Beta1? Beta2?
> Cooker? 9.1?
> - --
> |--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
> Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
> Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
> Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
> GPG Key                   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
> 1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iD8DBQE/MnpbrJK6UGDSBKcRAvuZAJ4sJDiDEDsk78AvrmxzgXmKrCu6KgCfeCkp
> 6oj07r5Gosh5Da4SbtgTx8I=
> =REl8

Oh, so sorry.

Version is: Mandrake 9.2.beta2


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