On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 06:16, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> Not really, I'm just quoting what you said and pointing out how stupid
> and idiotic it was.  Just like you do to others very frequently.  Quite


> naturally you're backpedaling since you don't like that and now you'd
> like to rewrite it all.
> > I was proposing would not "stop" people from logging in as root in the
> > way you describe, you're clearly a long way off the mark. So drop it.
> I see it a little differently as in I read exactly what you wrote and
> interpreted it accurately.  Then I simply read it back to you.  The

accurately, IN YOUR OPINION.

> inaccuracies are yours.  We have a difference of opinion as we usually
> do, and as usual you're the one that blows off at the mouth at folks
> very rudely and then doesn't want accountability for that.  Where in the

Pot. Kettle. Black.

> world did you ever get the dumb idea that you have a carte blanc to be a
> continuously brown nosing asshole?  I suggest you revise your manners,
> and then maybe you won't get spanked.  But of course I don't really

I don't see me getting spanked by anyone but you. Now where does that
imply the problem lies?

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