On Mon 04 Aug 2003 12:24, Per Øyvind Karlsen posted as excerpted below:
AdamW wrote..
> > Can I have your babies, Mr. Karlsen? :)
> que?

I'm sensing a potential cross-cultural disconnect, here..  For those who 
aren't familiar with the meaning of this question..

"Can I have your babies?" is an allusion to a stereotypical saying of 
(typically female) rock groupies and others.. infatuated and idolizing the 
person they view as almost a god.. 

Here, of course, it can't be taken quite so literally, but can be taken to 
mean something like "I am forever in your debt," or more literally, "I owe 
you one, Thanks more than words can say!"

Hopefully I did that explanation justice..  Does that make the intent clearer?  

(Sort of like the "pulling my leg" allusion I recently mentioned, I THINK it 
was on the Mdk list..  <g>)

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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