Mon 18. Aug 2003 15:56, Andrey Borzenkov wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> > Mon 18. Aug 2003 14:26, Andrey Borzenkov wrote:
> > > please Cc me I do not receive cooker.
> > >
> > > >8139too for the card rtl-8139c
> > > >
> > > >> > I have generated
> > > >> >
> > > >> > modprobe.conf in /etc and I have aliases there but no help.
> > > >>
> > > >> well you do not tell which modules do not load nor what is in
> > > >> modprobe.conf ... hard to help.
> > > >
> > > > There is alias for that module, but how this mii relate to that
> > > > 8139too? mii doesn't have alias and doesn't load automatically?
> > >
> > > I have no idea what mii is. Would you mind show your modules.conf,
> > > modprobe.conf and explain what mii is and why you expect it to load
> > > (or be module for that matter).
> >
> > I know this not so good network card, but can not easily change it
> > cause it is in laptop.
> >
> > alias eth0 8139too
> > alias usb-controller usb-uhci
> > alias ieee1394-controller ohci1394
> > alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
> > install sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install sound-slot-0 && {
> > /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -L >/dev/null 2>&1 || :; }
> > remove sound-slot-0 { /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S >/dev/null
> > 2>&1
> >
> > || :; }; /sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove sound-slot-0
> >
> > Modinfo says about mii that it is:
> > description: "MII hardware support library"
> > author:      "Jeff Garzik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> > license:     "GPL"
> OK, I still do not understand your problem.
> Does 8139too load or not? If not what is exact error? What happens
> when you do modprobe 8139too? What happens if you do modprobe eth0
> (of course assuming it is not already loaded)
> I am sorry but I checked your posts in this thread in archives and
> I cannot find ANY description of your problem except "it did not help". Nor
> do you give ANY description of your problem now.

It doesn't load 8139too, and maybe cause of that I have completely
empy routing-table when I do netstat -rn not even localhost seen?
Usually I see three or four entries in netstat -rn.
I also see following:
"error, some other host already uses address"
 loopback  arping:socket:
 Address family not supported by protocol"
Modprobe 8139too loads it or at least I see it in lsmod after modprobe, but I 
cannot use internet despite of /etc/init.d/network restart
and /etc/init.d/internet restart neither would mcc help
After those I see two entries in netstat -rn

And I think my network settings must be ok, cause at least they work
with 2.4-kernels?
So main problem is that I can not use the internet with 2.6?

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