On Wed 20 Aug 2003 05:40, Mark Watts posted as excerpted below:
> >
> > Laurent built Qt with KDE widget support in 3.1.2-13mdk. It doesn't seem
> > to help Qcad though, but a few other Qt-only apps do look better.
> /me wonders how KDE was working at all if qt wasn't compiled with KDE
> widget support...
> Evidently I don't understand qt !

I wondered as well.. until I thought about it..   KDE calls its own widgets, 
knows about them and uses them as necessary.  Qt, OTOH, didn't know about or 
use them.  Adding KDE widget support allows Qt-only (thus, not KDE specific) 
apps to ALSO use the KDE widgets.  It doesn't directly affect KDE, except 
that Qt is a lower level library system than KDE, so it could in theory make 
things a bit more efficient.  Since Qt-only apps won't know about KDE, they 
will call the general Qt widgets, but with KDE widget support, Qt uses the 
KDE ones directly now rather than its own, in some (all possible??) cases.

The benefit here would be that Qt is designed for cross-platform incl. 
MSWormOS use, and their widgets would by necessity be a compromise based on 
that.  In a more "KLX" (KDE League I believe it is term for KDE on Linux 
using XFree86) native environment, the KDE widgets have been designed to look 
better and be more refined than the Qt general widgets, so the benefit here 
is that Qt-only apps get the benefit of the nicer/newer KDE refinements, 
including anti-aliasing, etc.

At least, that's an educated guess based on the little widget kit programming 
and conversion knowledge I have, which might be just enough to get a 
plausible sounding but totally wrong impression of things, I must admit.  <g>

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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