"John Keller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I wondered as well.. until I thought about it..  KDE calls its own
> > widgets, knows about them and uses them as necessary.  Qt, OTOH,
> > didn't know about or use them.  Adding KDE widget support allows
> > Qt-only (thus, not KDE specific) apps to ALSO use the KDE widgets.
> > It doesn't directly affect KDE, except that Qt is a lower level
> > library system than KDE, so it could in theory make things a bit
> > more efficient.  Since Qt-only apps won't know about KDE, they
> > will call the general Qt widgets, but with KDE widget support, Qt
> > uses the KDE ones directly now rather than its own, in some (all
> > possible??) cases.
> >
> > The benefit here would be that Qt is designed for cross-platform
> > incl.  MSWormOS use, and their widgets would by necessity be a
> > compromise based on that.  In a more "KLX" (KDE League I believe
> > it is term for KDE on Linux using XFree86) native environment, the
> > KDE widgets have been designed to look better and be more refined
> > than the Qt general widgets, so the benefit here is that Qt-only
> > apps get the benefit of the nicer/newer KDE refinements, including
> > anti-aliasing, etc.

> One question (for anyone who can answer) would be: does this break Qt apps
> in GNOME (or Window Maker, etc)? That is, will I still be able to run a Qt
> app without installing KDE?
> GTK+ apps (notably, DrakXTools) can run just fine under KDE. I just
> wanted to confirm that this new support doesn't break Qt apps'
> ability to be run under other DMs...

if something uses widgets from libXYZ and one update libXYZ to use
smarter widgets the the same API & ABI, there's no reasong for
anything to break.

dependancies prevent you to explicetely break your system, so not
having or using kde desktop should not result in any breakage *if* the
replacement widgets respect the same API, ABI and runtime behaviour
(eg see faillures due to recent file selection replacement try in

PS: please fix your mailer to not break quotes, it wrongly wrap long

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