On Thu Aug 28 17:30 -0400, Austin wrote:
> York has a debian mirror.  The networking department is kinda stingy about  
> bandwidth though... they only let us transfer a gig per week on personal  
> computers and two gig per week on office computers.

My experience with UMass regarding getting a mandrake mirror ended up
with them firewalling the host so that only their network and those of
nearby colleges (and, I think, the subnets corresponding to the local
cable infrastructure) could access it.  Even then, they've since given
up on mirroring cooker... :o(

Levi Ramsey
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.
Currently playing: Metallica - Mama Said single (UK) - Mama Said (Earl
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 00:44:00 up 24 days, 10:02, 13 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.33, 0.24

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