On Thu Aug 28 18:00 -0400, Austin wrote:
> It's getting crazy.  Here at York, they are insisting that ALL windows  
> computers on the network install the latest service pack (or whatever it's  
> called, Windows-Update thingy), AND install anti-virus software, or they 
> will  be removed from the netowrk.  We got hit pretty hard I guess.

Starting with Code Red (so it's been 2 years now), UMass has been having
the routers profile traffic and if any system indicates worm infection
they have the appropriate switch to disable the Ethernet port and send a
snail mail letter to the office/dorm of the computer (no postage to send
mail that doesn't leave campus) saying that reinstatement is predicated
on patching.

Levi Ramsey
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.
Currently playing: Metallica - 1999/05/22 concert - Master of Puppets
Linux 2.4.21-3mdk
 00:52:00 up 24 days, 10:10, 13 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.28, 0.25

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