Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> BTW, can we maybe add a wiki page for "How to get undetected hardware
> detected", with all the instructions on pcmcia, monitorsdb, usb, pci etc
> etc, and how to report new hardware? I think it would save quite a bit
> of time.

Yes. Here are some locally collected info you can feed it with:

-=-=---=-=---=-=-- adding a monitor -=-=---=-=---=-=--
Here are the data to fill:

# One line of the format:
#   <Manufacturer>; <Monitor name>; <EISA ID (if any)>; <horiz sync in \
#   Khz>; <vert sync in Hz>; DPMS support
# Horiz and vert sync can be a range; like 35.2-55.75; or 31.5,35.5
# BUT remember to use ';' to separate fields

Here are examples:

Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks56i; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-110.0
Iiyama; Iiyama A702HT, VisionMaster Pro 410; ivm1740; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
Daytek; Daewoo DT-2000M/MPR; dwe0000; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
Daytek; Daewoo DT-2102M/MPR; dwe102a; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 0

For EISA ID, you can find it by running, as root user:

$ ddcxinfos | grep EISA

> Also, if ddxcinfos (and cardctl ident for pcmcia, and lspcidrake for pci
> etc) knows all the information the user doesn't, why not have a script
> (or even better, a draktool) which allows the user to be prompted for
> the rest of the information, to be sent to a bot that collects the info?
> Even better, if it sends the information to a db, and/or queries the db
> on how to get the hardware working (and allow users to enter that too if
> the hardware doesn't work out the box, like hardware which requires
> firmware).

Yes we should do that, it should be linked to our hardware
database, but I think we are low on resource for implementing
that correctly :/.

Guillaume Cottenceau - http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~gc/

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