On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Vincent Danen wrote:

> On Tue Aug 26, 2003 at 12:43:33AM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
> > >>>- daily updates/security updates if available
> > >>
> > >>If mandrakesecure.net had RDF this wouldn't be too difficult. Vince?
> > >
> > >
> > > RDF of what packages are available or recently released?  I suppose
> > > something like that could be done, although I'd need a sample RDF file to
> > > see what it's supposed to look like.
> > >
> > 
> > Yes, I guess something such as the bit on the advisory mails that
> > follows the advisory number, ie:
> > 
> > Updated perl-CGI packages fix cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
> > 
> > RDF is XML, such as:
> > http://pclinuxonline.com/backend.php
> > or
> > http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rdf
> > 
> > There are some php modules around to do RDF AFAIK, and there was a
> > specification for RDF at some stage, not sure what happened to it ...
> How's this?
> http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/advisories/rss.php
> ?
> Does that do what you want?

I finally got to using it with superkaramba:

Just need to work on the graphics a bit, either use a light background, 
unless there's a version available for use on dark backgounds?


|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
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