Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Sep 2003, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > Erm...is 1024x768 actually your laptop's native resolution? Reason I ask
> > is I see no problem at all with the 1024x768 images on my CRT. Unless
> > you mean the white lines which become more prominent in a spherical
> > pattern in the top and slightly to the left, in which case they're, uh,
> > part of the image, not a bug. :)
> Actually, it might be worth a bug report, the image looks much worse on
> LCD than CRT, the LILO splash screen is dificult to read because of the
> graniness near the spotlighted part.

I'd been meaning to get off my duff and do it for a while. Here it is:

- John

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