Ainsi parlait Chmouel Boudjnah :
> Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Here are two patches for bash completion.
> <just trying>
> would be awesome to update the zsh completion as well
> </just trying>
Or at least just make it work. Current zsh package tries to emulate 
bash-completion, and fails miserabily:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] guillaume]$ zsh
/etc/bash_completion:53: command not found: shopt
/etc/bash_completion:59: command not found: complete
/etc/bash_completion:65: command not found: complete
/etc/bash_completion:66: command not found: complete
/etc/bash_completion:67: command not found: complete
The problem with taking the easy way out is that the enemy has already mined 
                -- Murphy's Military Laws n°17

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