On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 09:43, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jeff Shultz wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 04:51, Greg Meyer wrote:
> >
> >>On Tuesday 09 September 2003 09:25 pm, Jeff Shultz wrote:
> >>
> >>>drive. On the first stage install, it mentions that that hard drive is
> >>>"losing the interrupt" frequently as it works it's way through.
> >>
> >>That's the kind of thing that happens when i/o apic and/or acpi is not
> working
> >>properly.  What mobo chipset do you have?  Try booting with apic disabled
> >>(noapic) and acpi=off
> >
> >
> > nForce2 400 Ultra. It's a Gigabyte 7NNXP mobo. The SATA chipset is a
> > SI3112.
> >
> > As for the noapic and acpi=off, this is a bit hard to do when I'm
> > booting from the install CD-ROM's.
> Why? At the syslinux prompt (the first screen you see), hit F1, and type:
> linux noacpi acpi=off
> (and add any other ones you think may be useful, hit F2 to see some more
> options, you might want vgahi, expert and a few others I have never
> needed ...)
Thanks for the tips... unfortunately acpi doesn't appear to be the
problem - I still had the lost interrupt errors. 

At this point (since I'd like to get this system in operation to replace
two others) I think my best bet is to drop back to the ATA-133 Maxtors
and 9.1. 

It has been more than a little facinating watching the 9.2RC process

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