Is lisa service going crazy and filling your arp table ( see other mails about lisa), temporary do:
service lisa stop
chkconfig --level 12345 lisa off


Mike Eheler wrote:
This is a really bizarre problem. I was told to email this address by someone in IRC.

The problem is this.. when I boot up 9.2, my router goes down.. I have to unplug it and plug it back in, then everything works again.

My router is a LinkSys BEFSR11.

All my machines plug into a hub which uplinks to the LinkSys.

It is a strange, strange problem that never happens anywhere else.. also another weird thing about it, is that it happens in an apparent random fashion while I'm running Mandrake 9.2.. I can work on the computer for hours and nothing will happen, then for no reason at all it goes down.. so I unplug and plug the router back in, everything works again for 15 minutes, then down again.. do the same thing again, everything comes back up, so I go out, leaving my computer idle.. I come home and everything is fine.. but the next time I do the same thing, but it had died while I was gone.

It's really bizarre and incredibly frustrating because there are computers on my network that are providing services.

I have verified that it is not my local system not letting me out because when the problem happens (and I really have no idea how to re-created it, other than rebooting) my router is inaccessible from any of the computers on my LAN.

This does not happen in Mandrake 9.1, Microsoft Windows 2000 or any of the other operating systems on my LAN, so it must be 9.2 (it first happened the first time I booted 9.2rc1 up. I did not try any of the previous betas).

If you need any more information, email me.


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