On Thu Sep 11, 2003 at 01:46:32PM -0400, Mark Belanger wrote:

> > >>In fact RC2 is a beta 4. Please, make a RC3 ! Don't waste the good
> > >>reputation of Mandrake with a lack of finition.
> > >>    
> > >>
> > >
> > >Although I read this discussion and understand the issues involved, the fact 
> > >is that Mandrake is already getting a bit of a bad reputation.  Chinese was 
> > >broken in the last release, so many people I know went to Redhat because 
> > >Chinese support was very important for them, and they don't have the ability 
> > >to fix a broken system as some of us do.  It may be difficult to bring them 
> > >back.  I agree with Pierre, a little more time to fix and test would be very 
> > >beneficial, not only for us as users and developers, but also for Mandrake's 
> > >reputation.  I think this release is very important for Mandrake.
> > >
> > >
> > The problem is that if every Chinese user (or any other feature) wait 
> > for the last RC to begin to test if it works, it does not give a lot of 
> > time to fix the problems. You could have 5 or 6 RC, there will always be 
> > people who will try Mandrake when the final is released.
> Very true.  How about a numbering system like
> 10.0.0 - major new release
> 10.1.0 - significant changes
> 10.1.1 - bugfix release.
> Following this model, we would be in the process of releasing
> 9.2.0.
> When released, many users would start using it and find stuff like
> the chinese problem which could then be fixed in 9.2.1

Sure.  Cooker was 9.2.0, when we hit freeze we were at 9.2.1 and what we
release will be 9.2.2 but we'll call it 9.2 for convenience.

How's that?  =)

(Please don't start this silly numbering thread again)

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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