On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 15:49, Levi Ramsey wrote:
> On Fri Sep 12 12:55 +0100, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > I also absolute hate the fact that the way this is being implemented
> > sets a precedent for the impairment of the actual functionality of the
> > OS through adverts, which is the effect of putting adverts on the
> > default home page and on the browser bookmarks.
> Oh no!
> If we allow the people to carry guns, everybody's going to turn into a
> serial killer!
> If we give people PGP, we're helping child porn!
> If we give a few poor people welfare, this is going to turn into Soviet
> Russia!
> Wheeee... it's fun sliding down the slippery slopes...

Stop being facetious. In the case of business, it's exactly how things
work; the path of least resistance is followed. Picture the scene in a
year's time. Mandrakesoft Borg #1: Well, the adverts thing worked great
for a while, but now it's kinda tailing off. Should I come up with a new
and exciting different way to generate revenue, or should I just slap a
few more adverts in to cover up the difference? Mandrakesoft Borg #2:
Fuck, it's Friday, I'm tired, just get a couple more ads would you?

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