--- Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ric Johnson wrote:
> > Precisely.
> >
> > So those who would build, e.g., galeon, get penalized in
> favor of
> > those who want to play frozen bubble(SEVEN MB) or
> powermanga(SIX
> > MB) or ...?
> Well, why do they need to build galeon, when it is included??

That's a joke, right? 
( the length of the reasons is prohibitive and content
inflamatory )

> > I know there is a space crunch but I seriously think that
> > mozilla-* are not the items to be removed unless MDK is
> changing
> > the default browser suite.
> >
> Mozilla has never been the default browser, Konqueror and
> Galeon are.

Sorry, BM, but you must not have been lurking around cooker/MDK
long enuf 'cause mozilla was made the default browser when
Netscape was dropped due (primarily) to the licensing/proprietary
problems of including it in a *Free* distro. 

Also, if you took the time to look at Xsession file (where
$BROWSER and $HELP_BROWSER get defined) you will see that 
(1) mozilla is at top of the list and 
(2) galeon & konqueror are not even in the list.

(oddly, netscape is _still_ in it - go figure :)

> > This may sound a little simple but why don't MDK take every
> > off of CD1, 2 & 3 and put them all on a 4th CD = "games.iso".
> > At the very least, there will be room for mozilla-devel...
> > (The marketing dept. might like that too.)
> At one stage the 3rd CD was supposed to be mainly devel stuff
> ...

It is still is " supposed to be " AFAIK but it has not yet quite
got organized that way for multiple, reasonably valid reasons.  I
think that it would be easier to make the 3rd (or 4th A/R) ISO an
'entertainment' CD consisting of all games & their development
rpms, the 'non-default' audio and video aps, the extra themes &
icons that are packaged as 'extras' , and whatever else MDK
decides is "entertainment"(currently most are in the MDK Group
called "Amusement").

If there is too much empty space on the CD-ISO, it could also
possibly contain any *new* experimental aps that work enuf to be
part of the distro but are still in the development stage that
keeps them from being really usable on daily basis(i would
personally put epiphany, firebird and dillo in that category). 
It could also, maybe, include the aps that have rpms available,
should have made it but could not be tested.  That, in itself,
would allow for last minute inclusions for the distro of items
that did not make the freeze cutoff - OOo, XFce4, etc...  

Years back, there were not enuf games and what not to make a
decently sized CD.  I *think* there would be now.  At the very
least, it would allow the other 2 or 3 CD's to contain all the
core *-devel so that developers who might *contribute* to MDK
and/or Linux would not be inconvenienced.  "Joe USer" has more
time than "Joe Developer" to look for stuff.

> anyway, my vote is for a 4th CD, for stuff that is absolutely
> trivial (games, themes, etc etc).

Then do it. :)

IOW, somebody/developer with MDK just needs to sit down,
reorganize the contents and present the results to MDK mgmnt.  An
"outsider" cannot do that.

> Regards,
> Buchan

My email box is full of spam and signatures.  Honestly, I have email that are 3/4 
signatures and 1/4 content.  A signature is neither a resume nor is it a place for you 
to include your personal philosphy about life in general.  If you are one of those who 
do that, please stop sending me yours.  ONE line is enough!

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