
CSC at Warwick is running a Penguin Computing Altus1000, see:

This is the machine that is compiling the contribs at the moment. As far as I know, they've haven't had many issues with the box. It's running amd64 version of cooker at the moment, and it behaves like any other Mandrake box. Of course, it's a _very_ fast Mandrake box :-)



Has anyone on the cooker list had the privilege to try the upcoming 9.2
on an Opteron/nForce3 configuration (single or dual Opteron)?

Yes, this also applies to nForce3 based Athlon64 systems. Disks I

Were the disks using SATA?

tested so far flied at around 57 MB/sec, i.e. faster than anything I used so far. Not only the disks were fast, the rest of the platform was obviously very fast too. ;-)

What Opteron proc did you use?

You can try yourself, Warly should have stopped generating broken hdlists for now. i.e. fully rsync'ed my tree from Friday.

I'm thinking of getting such a system in the next 2-3 months :) I just wanted to ensure I would'nt get stuck with not very well supported *yet* hardware.

Note to ASUS SK8N users: they must update their BIOS to something >= 1002 first.

I believe a bios version 1003_03 is available since 19/9/2003 (

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