Hmmm... I'm not sure what to tell you.  I've been using logitech
trackman marble w/ wheel on both my machines here at home without
problem.  I do include the imwheelrc file in the $user directory because
that's the way it was originally intended to be used.  I don't know if
that's changed, but why not try it?
I also believe that all the logitech wheel mice use the same protocol at
this point, so yours should work.  
I'm currently using XFree 4.0, but I've also used 3.3.6 - I'm using MDK
7.1 final, but it also worked for RedHat and MDK 7.0.  At first I was
thinking that maybe it was gnome that was giving you the problem, but I
know that it definitly works with kde (which you've said doesn't work at
all for you).  I would try adding the imwheelrc file and see what

I hope that something has helped here; but since this isn't the support
list, I'll just say "good luck".

Roberto Rosselli Del Turco wrote:
> Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:
> >
> > I'm using the logitech trackball with the thumb marble and scroll wheel,
> > it works just fine.  You have to edit your XF86Config file (3.3.6 or 4.0
> > - both work just fine) adding the lines to the 'Pointer' section:
> >
> >         Buttons         3
> >         ZAxisMapping    4 5
> >
> > and make sure to comment out the lines that say:
> >
> >         emulate3buttons
> >         emulate3timeout
> >
> > or anything to that effect.  Make sure that 'protocol' is
> > MouseManPlusPS/2 and 'device' is /dev/mouse (make sure to follow the
> > syntax of whichever file you happen to be editing).
> >
> > Finally, include a copy of imwheelrc in the $user directory of anyone
> > who cares to use it, and perform chmod a+x /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel
> >
> > Everything should work just fine after that.
> Excepted for the copy of imwheelrc in my home directory (is it really
> necessary?), these settings correspond to those resulting from my 7.1
> installation, but I wouldn't say it worked fine, as you can see from the
> list below. At the moment I've given up to imwheel: either it doesn't
> work properly with my mouse (logitech wheel mouse), or the settings
> saved at installation time are wrong.
> > > > >
> > > > > > 1. it works with Netscape and other Motif applications (Nedit), but the
> > > > > > scrolling is worse (i.e. rough, not smooth as before);
> > > > > > 2. it still works in most GNOME applications, but the scrolling is worse
> > > > > > (idem, add a really annoying 'circular' scrolling);
> > > > > > 3. it stopped working, or works partially, in some GTK/GNOME working
> > > > > > applications (e.g. gentoo, I can't scroll my shortcuts anymore);
> > > > > > 4. it most definitely stopped working with WINGs windows;
> > > > > > 5. it most definitely stopped working with aterm;
> > > > > > 6. it still doesn't work with KDE applications.

Mike & Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA

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