If you're smart enough to be on the cooker list, you're probably smart enough to install it over the network using urpmi anyway, which is totally allowed. The purpose isn't to punish poor students, but to encourage lazy/greedy/ apathetic yuppies and their spoiled middle-class teenagers to join the club instead of leeching off of everyone's hard work.

Oh for sure, and have done that on my home PCs, but I'd have to take my computer over to their houses, heh. Biggest thing is I just want to be able to give them 'final' code, y'know? :) Also, how do I know that my local copy of cooker is all the final packages, etc. If there's an easy way to find out, I'm down with that.

I will eventually buy my way back into the club, and a boxed copy like in days of yore. Eventually :)


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