Greg Meyer posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted
below,  on Thu, 25 Sep 2003 18:22:31 -0400:

> On Thursday 25 September 2003 12:09 am, Han Boetes wrote:
>> Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Fresh install, log into fluxbox, no [EMAIL PROTECTED] terminal.
>> Can you debug that?
> Yeah.  I can't start a terminal because there is no menu entry for a
> terminal. Since I can't start a terminal to get a CLI, I can't start a
> terminal from the CLI.
> No menu entry for rxvt and no menu entry in fluxbox menus for konsole.

Does fluxbox not have a "run dialog" then?  Even without a menu entry for
a terminal, a run dialog should be usable to start one -- unless of course
you don't know the actual command name, but anyone that actually misses a
terminal should be able to figure /that/ out.  Of course, no run dialog

Or.. start up a file browser and launch it by clicking on the file there..
Or.. start up Konqueror and use the launch terminal command there, or
activate its builtin terminal pane, or use its shell command function
(basically a run dialog).  Of course, if the konsole entry is missing,
kdebase-konsole may not be installed, and I'm not sure if those entries
will work.  Still, the shell command function should.

Someone mentioned mcc/drakconf still has a shell function..  Of course,
that does require root..

I'm sure there are probably many other apps that can launch either a shell
directly, or a run dialog from which one can be launched.  As I was just
reading in the sudo documentation the other day, it can be difficult to
restrict a user who want to launch a shell from doing so, unless you
restrict him from running all the various apps that have that
functionality as well.

Oh.. another one.. menudrake.. then create your menu entry, and run it..
assuming of course that IT'S in the menu (and that fluxbox uses the Mdk
menu system, but I'd guess it does).

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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