On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 09:19, Warly wrote:
> It may be a good idea, before cooker opens again, to take these days to
> have some brainstorm.
> May you give your opinion on :
> - What was wrong in 9.2 development process?

Similar to 9.1 - RC stage too early so loads of major stuff was fixed
while in RC, poor communication from the managerial level of mdksoft,
late introduction of big new features.

> - What could we do to improve 9.3/10.0 development.

Slightly longer freeze period, with more betas and fewer RCs - stick to
the standard definition of an RC, i.e., something you really, truly
believe could be released, not "late beta" as the MDKsoft definition
seems to be. Releasing beta-quality "release candidates" hurts
Mandrake's reputation, as people download RC1 expecting something close
to final and find something quite buggy.

> - Should we have cooker snapshot ISOs?

IMHO, no - not official ones, anyway. I doubt many people use 'em, and
if anyone wants to supply them they can always roll their own from a
cooker mirror with the image creation tools.

> - What could we do, as a community, to increase the acceptance of mandrakelinux?

Hmm. Apart from our current role of covering up for the corporation's
stuff-ups (see the advertising fiasco), can't think of a lot.

> - How to have more contributors?

Make contrib more widely known about - it's hard to have contributors
when people aren't even aware there's a place for their contributions to


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