On Tuesday 30 September 2003 19:08, jokerman64 wrote:
> On Sunday 28 September 2003 04:19 am, Warly wrote:
> > It may be a good idea, before cooker opens again, to take these
> > days to have some brainstorm.
> >
> > May you give your opinion on :
> >
> > - What was wrong in 9.2 development process?
> [worksforme]
> I hate it when people close bugs w/ works for me instead of  actually
> trying to fix the prob. I think it's a major copout.

ok, so what should they do ? Trying to fix a bug thay cannot see or 
reproduce ?

> > - What should we do to improve the Wiki.
> wtf is the wiki. i've only seen reference to it on cooker.


if you do not know what a wiki is, please see 

( wikipedia is a wiki, of course :)  )

> > And anything related to the mandrakelinux distro.
> How 'bout adding sites like mandrake user sites on another page
> (mandrake community or something)
> Not like a webring or anything (those are gay).

I suppose that, like all the others the last time, you have nothing 
against gay people and you didn't want to offense them, as usual when 
this kind of problem occurs  ?


Michaël Scherer

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