On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 22:19, lamikr_mdk wrote:

> Thanks, that was exactly the way how I would actually like to make the 
> partition. Can I ask some more questions...
> What tools you use/did use for initializing the keys, creating the 2 GB 
> file and for mounting that file as a partition.

Err - that's a tricky one.  So long ago :-)

I *think* I grabbed an RPM - mkcryptfs from someplace.  I'm operating
remotely right now - I'll be back in Australia next week and can less
painfully check.  But have a look for mkcryptfs, it's just a script.

> Does all tools you need come with Mandrake or have you downloaded some 
> other tools from the internet?
> Has there ever been any problems with this partition? (Noticieable 
> speedup problems, problems with symbolic links, copying large amount of 
> files or something like that...)

Zero problems.  It's an ext3 FS, my only qualm is that I can't recall
fsck'ing it ever :-)

Kevin J. Maciunas              Net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Computer Science      Ph : +61 8 8303 5845
University of Adelaide         Fax: +61 8 8303 4366
Adelaide 5005 SOUTH AUSTRALIA  Web: http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/~kevin
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