Robert L martin kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika Sunnuntai 05 Lokakuu 2003 
> > OTOH many of the users of Download Edition does not ever buy a package or
> > become a club member anyway, wich means it does not generate any income
> > there either...
> And this is where you need to mkae sure that 99.999% of the packages (by
> useage) work the first time.

and this would be better if people got involved in the beta process, 
so that bugs could be fixed before we go into deep freeze
and not like now when many try with the last RC, and find a bug,
and reports it when the master ISOs has been sent...

> Speaking as one of those D/l users i say

this is a catch22, 
... if more would pay, mdk would be able to pay more employees, wich would 
make an even better distro, more QA, more testing, more h/w, wich would sell 

and how do you define "A DISTRO WORTH PAYING FOR" ...
if you dig long enough you will always find some bug thast annoys you,
does that mean it's not worth paying for....

Or as it reminds me of an employee in a company I used to work for...
He complained about getting to low salary, and said if they would pay him 
better, he would work harder...

>From the management I heard the complaints about him being slow, so they had 
no reason to pay him more...

So who is right and who is wrong? When both think they are right and the other 
part is wrong...
Does the management have too high expectations, or is it the employee that 
thinks he's better than he actually is?

But, as always...
everyone has to choose for themselves what to do, as no one can force you to 
decide one way or another... It's the ultimate freedom of choice...

> Speaking of which will the dvd make christmas?

AFAIK they should, ...



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