On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 09:37:57 -0400
Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And you should know by now my solution to these 
> problems is to build my own packages and stick them out on my 
> website for anyone in the same boat, if that's even necessary in 
> this case since the gaim guys usually offer Mandrake packages. 

If the gaim people are so great why did they not code it for the current
avaiable apps.
For tcl/tk support it requires tcl-8.3 Not the current tcl-8.4.
It will not build with gettext-0.12.

They offer rpms for mdk-9.1 and rh8 and 9 and will probably offer
them for mdk-9.2, but look at the spec they use.
It does not even build the damn language files.

There are always avenues avaiable for those who wish to upgrade apps
beyond that which is included in the distro.
Either building it themselves from source, or by acquiring it elsewhere
from others.
But do not expect it to be added as an update to an already committed
distros release.

Hell, if anyone wants/needs gaim-0.70 that much they are more than
welcome to dl the 9.2/Cooker rpms from my site.
BTW, they Do include the language files and are built to mdk


The number of computer scientists in a room is inversely proportional
to the number of bugs in their code.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

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