Robert L martin wrote:

Ha ha ha!!!, urpmi is round-robin!!!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# urpmi
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- opengroupware-sope-4.2-20030721.1mdk.i586
 2- opengroupware-sope-devel-4.2-20030721.1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]#
[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# urpmi
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- opengroupware-logic-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
 2- opengroupware-logic-devel-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]#
[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# urpmi
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- opengroupware-webui-libs-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
 2- opengroupware-webui-libs-devel-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]#

What this looks like is just like the commities this is for you need about half the list (if you note that one of the packages each pair has || devel ||in it you may see the illogic of it all)
is there some sort of " not with %this string% in the name" switch?


What it is, is an extraordinary amount of Redhat crud that needs to be fixed. I will be uploading a new snapshot early in the week to correct a LOT of problems. Due to the rush to get it into 9.2, too many things got missed:-)


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