On 10/05/2003 02:20:39 PM, Spencer wrote:
What it is, is an extraordinary amount of Redhat crud that needs to be fixed. I will be uploading a new snapshot early in the week to correct a LOT of problems. Due to the rush to get it into 9.2, too many things got missed:-)

Hey, one guy put this together from a huge mess of redhat packaging mayhem. We asked for testers, and got like two. Neither of them reported problems with the wrapper, and cooker was like a week from being frozen. I think Spence and I did a decent job of it (mostly Spence).

You can install it by just selecting the packages in rpmdrake, and it works fine. Obviously the wrapper doesn't work, but you could install the rpms (in the proper order) and it would work too.

Spence is working on Mandrakifying the rpms, and there may be a very cool surprise in the works long before 9.3/10 is released.

                                Austin Acton
       Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Candidate
              Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
       MandrakeLinux Volunteer Developer, homepage: www.groundstate.ca

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