On Thursday 16 October 2003 03:05 pm, David Walser wrote:
> Aha, maybe that's just the problem!  KDE caches the menu; I believe 60
> seconds by default.  So you have to not look at the menu for 60 seconds, or
> log out and in and the menu should appear OK again.

well yes and no sometimes things appear slowly and sometimes a logout will fix 
it but I guess I was wrong in my above statement to be more exact there are 
times though that the menu just simply messes up and looses a bunch of 
settings and nothing but running update-menues or using menudrake as root or 
installing another package that triggers update menues correctly will fix it. 
Thanks for jogging my memory I have been way to busy the last few months or 
so. My shop has been very busy with all the windows worms and virii running 
around. I'm getting really short on sleep now. 

The only problems i have with mandrake is that i have a few 
file/print/firewall servers around and lately there has been a group hitting 
the dsl modem users in town badly. Now the mandrake firewall keeps them out 
just fine but the dsl modem takes such a huge bashing from packet overload 
that it locks up the modem and eventually the linux box looses the adsl 
connection which I have not found anything for yet accept to reboot the linux 
box and shut of the modem. I have tried restarting the network and all the 
deamons that are used for the connection sharing but i must be missing one 
someplace because it will only work after a reboot. 

this includes adsl, shorewall, network, dhcp, and named. Oh well i wish the 
script kidies would find something better to do with their time. 
                                      Brook Humphrey           
        Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107        
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                                 Holiness unto the Lord

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