On Saturday 18 October 2003 09:29 am, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> [...]
> I downloaded the PowerPack this week but installed it today..., what a
> surprise... no kde-i18n-sv package anywhere... That render this download
> totally useless to me, I might as well throw my fresh burned CDs in the
> trash. Or, have someone teach me mkcd so I can make the missing CDs...,
> mkcd is not easy, anyone who has tried this knows what I'm talking about...
> Don't tell me to use a internet urpm* resource, that is not the answer I
> would like to hear, I want this on a CD, period.

Well, it seems kind of late to recall the iso's from Manufacture so that a 
package can be added that Oden really wants on a cd.  

Sorry, was that sarcastic?

"Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read" -Groucho Marx

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