I'm sure this was meant as sarcasm, but...

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 05:57:29AM +0200, Han Boetes wrote:
> Nope, you guys are our test subjects. Our labrats. :)
> This is the deal. We make packages and you make decent bugreports or you learn
> to live with the fact cooker is broken.

What's the use of even uploading a package which has not been tested? The
simple assumption that a package is broken until proven otherwise would
already help. Especially if the maintainer of such a package will feel a
need to only upload correct packages that don't break anything.

If this requires to much work on the maintainer part, why not use a new
"role": Package maintainer is there, but why not Package Tester. Someone who
is interested in a certain package and is willing to be a guinneapig (sp?)
for that package. The maintainer packages a new version, sends it to the
tester who then tests it and checks whether something breaks. If it's ok,
the maintainer uploads it to cooker for the rest of the labrats to have a go
at it!

It's just a thought ;-)


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