BOUTELIER Sébastien wrote:

Hello !

I have some wishes for the Mandrake 10.0...

First of all, is it possible to include in the Mandrake Controle Center a module for Bittorrent ? This module ask the user where to save the files, his login and password of mandrake club and that's all, the download start. This module can verify the presence of a proxy or a firewall, configure shorewall and give some advices to the user. I think the newbies will be happy with this ! No more FAQ or problem of python dependencies... You could use this system to download Beta or RC when we are in Beta or RC period.

My second whish is in mousedrake. Is it possible to add a module to configure the thumbs (side ?) buttons of the mouse. Not only associate Alt right in konqueror with right button but the possibility to select an application and enter what a thumbs button makes. For exemple select Open Office and associate the right side button with Ctrl-S. I have made this with imwheel but it was painfull...

My third wish is about drakeloop. It's a very good idea but is it possible to have an option to ask the pass only when access the encrypted directory instead on login ?

My fourth wish is perhaps a detail but is it possible to have an option to synchronize the time with a NTP regularly in the "date and time" module of MCC ? (in fact use a ntp command with cron or at internet connection).

My fifth wish is a detail too and is in apache... I use http://localhost/~someone to work but the consequence is that /home/someone is readable and I don't want it. What about a directory /public_html and when you create an account "someone", you create a directory "someone" in /public_html and with owner "someone" and with group "apache". Now, only user "someone" and apache can read the directory and my /home/someone is non readable by the others. It's possible to make a symbolic link /home/someone/public_html -> /public_html/someone

I'm not an expert of linux and I don't know if all this wishes are realists.

Hope that this wishes can help and that the genius of Mandrake can execute them... Let's rub the lamp !


PS: It's just suggestions for the 10.0. I don't need help ! Bittorrent is OK for me, I 
can use my thumbs button and webmin is fabulous to make cron jobs.
PS: Raaah ! I speak english like Babelfish !

ICQ: 14554603

The fifth wish is an easy workaround. On my system at home, I created a /www directory and create users in there as necessary, configuring Apache to look their for user webspaces. You can probably add something to /etc/skel that will accomplish linking ~/public_html to /www/~username. Since I don't believe this follows the accepted FHS specs, I doubt Mandrake would make it a part of their default configuration. FHS compliance is a good thing to maintain.

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