Pierre Jarillon ha scritto:

Le Dimanche 26 Octobre 2003 22:55, Giuseppe Ghibò a écrit :

IMHO the main obstable is the Pantone proprietary system.

This problem must be solved to allow free software used by professional printers. But I can't imagine free inks :-(

Why a matter of INKs? AFAIK Pantone is not doing directly inks. It's doing a matching color system, so you'll know that choosing a certain color, it will be always the same everywhere. Adding pantone support to free software IMHO is trivial. The problem is that the Pantone color system is copyrighted or patented, etc., so it couldn't be added without violating such copyright or patents.

If ever you have only a shadow of a solution, tell us, please !

a solution for what?


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