On Tuesday 28 October 2003 01:11, Leon Brooks wrote:
> FYI; Scott runs a local Linux retail business and consultancy
> Subject: [plug] Mandrake Bug announce warning rant ahead
> Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:58
> From: Scott Middleton <DESPAMMED>
> <rant>
> I am pissed off..
> Has anyone seen an official announcement to the Mandrake users
> that using their latest and greatest will completely stuff
> their CDROM? I don't care that it is not their fault. I don't

I was all set to reply to this mail with "You're full of it, the 
distro hasn't even shipped yet and it was all over 
Mandrakeclub", but....

It wasn't.

Turns out the only reason I know about this is because I 
subscribed to cooker in preparation for submitting my own RPM's 
to contrib.  I would have eventually seen the article on 
slashdot or the register about it, but by then I would have 
tried to install it on a client's machine that had been 
earmarked for Mandrake 9.2 and which, indeed, had an LG CD-ROM 
drive in it.

What worries me more is that this was discovered after 9.2 had 
"gone gold" and presumably been stamped on aluminum and boxed 
for sending out to retail stores.... and replacing CD's (or 
worse yet, orchestrating a recall) will cost money that Mandrake 
couldn't need more right now.  Worse still would be if this got 
into the channel and someone with an axe to grind decided to sue 
Mandrake for knowingly selling something that would destroy 
equipment, however cheap the equipment may be... in some 
jurisdictions this would probably be legal no matter what the 
EULA or the GPL says.

I wish I could be a little more constructive here, but all I can 
come up with is "do better next time, guys."  Not that I want 
there to be a "next time" as far as blowing up out-of-spec 
Korean drives goes, but I certainly hope to see Mandrake 10.0 
sometime next year.


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