On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 01:17:48 -0500, Tom and Esther Ward wrote:

> Hello, list.
> I'm new to this list, and I am interested in helping debug, test, and work
> with the cooker release of Mandrake. However, I'm having problems finding a
> couple of packages that I absolutely require in order to work with Linux.
> I have a visual problem seeing the screen, but in Gnome 2.4 there is the atk
> libraries, gnopernicus screen reader, festival tts, gnome-mag magnifier, as
> well as other Gnome accessibility packages.

type :
urpmi gnopernicus

then, log under gnome, go to Configuration/GNOME/Accessibility/AT Startup
and choose what you want to be started when at login.

Frederic Crozat

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