> I don't know what is going on but I keep getting very serious system lockups. I
> thought Window$ 98 was bad, but at the moment Linux goes down about once an
> hour. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to this. I've removed hardware,
> stopped various boot daemons. The most common thing I can come up with is that
> the PC has been idle for a while, but even this does not hold 100%. The period
> if being idle appears not to matter ! If I leave the PC inactive it appears to
> just hang.

hum. Maybe some device go sleeping and the kernel just can't wake it.
What've you made on your box just before the first hang (kernel upgrade, new
device, ...) ??

did magic keys work (ie altgr+sysprint+{s,u,b}) ?
and telnet

> One time when it happened just after boot (so I was not in X) I was able to
> insert / remove PCMCIA card for about a minute before the system locked. During
> this period neither the mouse or the keyboard were working.
> This is a deep seated lockup. I have to remove the power and remove the battery
> (oh yes, I use a laptop). If the power switch works at all it will fail to
> restart again.
> It is possible that I have used one too many cooker files. I will try an
> 'update' to 7.1, but this probably will not have much effect since most of the
> 'vital' files are now newer than 7.1 !

is it a 7.1 or a cooker related problem ?

> I don't know what you guys can do to help, but has any one else experienced
> this kind of problem ? Does anyone know what in Linux could cause such a deep
> seated crash ? 
> I raised a similar issue some time back. When trying to suspend to disk while
> in X exactly the same thing happens. Could this have anything to do with it ?

maybe your hd is bogus and cannot properly wake up?
play with hdparm (hdparm -S 251 /dev/your_disk'll let him sleep only after
5 idle hours)

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