On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Don  Head wrote:

> Any posiblity of sticking in a symlink for
> resolv.conf in the man-pages RPM?  I spent quite
> a few minutes figuring out that "man resolver"
> needs to be used rather than "man resolv.conf".
> A simple "ln -s /usr/man/man5/resolver.5.bz2
> /usr/man/man5/resolv.conf.5.bz2" would be
> appreciated.

Huh, the resolver manpage is not about the format of resolv.conf file at all...

As there is no relationship between this manpage and the resolv.conf file, I'm
against that symlink (which should be a link anyway, because they're in the
same directory). And moreover, as this manpage describes the resolver API, it
should be in section 3 IMHO.


"You can tune a filesystem but you can't tuna fish" (HP/UX' tunefs manpage)

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