I can play CD's on my Ultra 1 Creator, but I can only listen to them with the
headphones plugged directly into the CDROM.  For that matter, there is no sound
other than the system beep available.  Is sound supported on these machines? 
When I try to open the mixer that is on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen
it gives me the error message: 
"Mixer failure
kmix: Could not write to mixer."

Does anyone have any suggestions on this?  I get the following:
[tkorte@sparky tkorte]$ lspci 
pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci 
lspci: Cannot find any working access method. 
[tkorte@sparky tkorte]$       
So can someone tell me if I'm wasting my time here?
Tom Korte

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